The Universal Law Of Harmony

‘Consequences of actions through the act of creation’

All the universe, and its multiple levels of functioning – both visible and ‘non-visible’ – is held in its natural state by a series of ‘Universal Laws’. Yet to name them is to limit them to our understanding, so each title may act as a guide only – in order to understand the areas that each law governs, or the part they play in the whole.

For uni-verse is just that: a united being or entity, one harmonious organism if we have to find the words to describe the sum of all things. A collective force, a fusion of all the elements in existence, and the potential, or the ‘unmanifest’ states from which all that eventually ‘comes into being’ is formed from – not a fixed state but an ever-changing state of constant flux that cannot be defined, yet may be outlined.

We can never grasp more than a minute fragment – for we are simply not equipped with the faculties or sensory equipment necessary to perceive the many multiple levels of existence that lie outside what we would categorise as our ‘reality’, which is usually seen as ‘our physical tangible world’. The things we can of course see and touch, and perceive with our ears, and taste, and sense with our nostrils. Beyond these signals we receive we are oblivious to the many dimensions that we access in less conscious states. Yet we know it is possible to evolve our perception to attune to higher states if we ‘work these muscles’ – we may actively hone our senses and develop them, thus the term ‘extra-sensory perception’ comes into play and the many psychics and sensitives who have nurtured their gifts also help us to comprehend aspects of existence that lie beyond the normal range, helping to provide the proof we like.

If we came into this world believing that it was natural to talk to beings in other dimensions, we would. If we let go of any scepticism and decide to put this into practice, we can. If we are curious and decide to explore beyond the boundaries we have been taught ‘contain us’, we soon find that there are limitless discoveries to be made – for many other states are accessible, and they lie in wait.

Meditation is widely accepted as a way of achieving peace within; of entering the silent depths of our own being and connecting with a place that is permeated by a sense of wellbeing. Tapping in, accessing, or just ‘being receptive’ – whatever we want to call it, the result is the same. When we shut out the constant distractions of the outer world – which limits our perception to our five senses alone – we open the gateway that leads to our higher senses, beyond our sixth sense, for there are many nuances and levels, both personal and impersonal.

For it is understood that when we enter a meditative state we connect with the pulse of all things – the collective – the universal organism or ‘All That Is’, for there is no way to really describe everything ‘both in and out of existence’.

Trance states have been measured and their physical effects monitored. Dream states are watched and recorded. We know what constitutes ‘waking states’. The effects of sound vibrations and sensory deprivation are now well tested. And the impact of forces that occur when we leave the pull of gravitational forces is well known. We have many theories, yet the only way to put them to the test is to subject ourselves to direct experience – and to sense the impact – for it all comes back to what filters through to our physical reality as our waking state, or our level of awareness, or consciousness, because we happen to be fully functional and operating in an alert state.

We’re not prepared to accept that dreams are part of reality, because we’re simply ‘not awake’, however much we might recall or experience. Or even states of coma, where the physical body is operating on a different level or plane of consciousness, yet some senses are still ‘fully conscious’ and operating automatically, without detection.

So it stands to reason; because everything in our physical reality is ultimately measured by the process we define as ‘logical thinking’, or rather, tangible thinking, which by its very nature must be a limited expression of the universe for it only takes into account the minute fragments of what is manifest as ‘the reality we are capable of perceiving’. Thus to expand our view or our faculties, or the levels we have access to, we must let go of the need to apply logic or reason that sets a concise framework that only serves to cut off access to the wider, vaster, infinite field of possibilities, both manifest and unmanifest.

The uni-verse as a ‘verse’ is comprised of many vibrations, as we can guess when we measure the frequencies of light and sound. A verse has its own innate rhythm; it has been created or come into being through inspiration – a certain amount of freedom must therefore be allowed. It is not rigid, having evolved from a set of rules by formula applied alone – for we are quick to feel that what touches us the most strikes a deeper chord. It tugs at our heartstrings, whether a song or poem – a verse is something that carries us from where we were, to a new place of being.

We are uplifted, enthused, or asked to reflect – touched by the power of an expression that allows us to broaden our own perception by sharing another’s. Thus our experience also grows as we encompass ever-greater levels of awareness beyond what we have already cultivated. For we are ever-evolving, just as consciousness grows through our participation with it – through the valuable contribution of our experiences and our way of interpreting the world – constantly adding new experiences and commentaries on them, by way of our thoughts; a record playing that runs in a continuous loop yet is not fixed or held in place for eternity – for as our experiences change, so does our tune.

Nothing can compare with the energy of a live performance when the crowd rallies round – there is room for movement, spontaneity; intuitive responses or impulses that arise are followed naturally as all the diverse elements are somehow pulled together in a new order to create a sense of harmony – a fusion – a free-flowing entity in its own right; as creation takes place it never fails to excite.

By tapping in to this stream, everything is possible – including our wildest dreams. We are carried and lifted, shown a new place; we exceed expectations, for we are completely in a ‘state of grace’. A concept that needs no explaining if we’ve experienced it before, for coupled with enthusiasm, it always opens doors.